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how to make a pizza(怎样做比萨)

发表日期:2009年10月5日  出处:原创  作者:月圆中秋  本页面已被访问 14156 次

How to make a pizza





Making a pizza at home by oneself , it is appears impossible in many people’s opinions. but it is really very simple and you can do it yourself. There are two important things for making a pizza. The most important one is the tool. you should own a oven or microwave or electric baking panUsing an oven is convenient and the pizza’s flavour is the most delicious. However the oven isn’t prevalent in the family so you can use the microwave or electric baking pan instead. The other one is the materials such as flour butter、、milksugarbaking powder  salttomatosauce Onionsausages or meatcheeseGreen Pepper  carrot garlic etc.


If  you  have good to go, I will teach you how to make it .


for one thing , make the dough  .put 9g butter into 150g milk, put it in the microwave heat for 30 second, then mix up it. Put 6g baking powder in the mixture, and mix up it again. then put 15g sugar 5g salt and an egg into it and mix up them. then put 300g flour into it and make it a dough ball  .then cover a food wrapper on it and put it in the microwave heat for 30 seconds. 20 minutes later the dough will coming-along  . at the same time ,you should prepare for the other things. Cut up some garlic and onion, then put them in a bowl and  mix them with some tomatosauce sugar and salt . Cut some oniongreen peppercarrot and sausages into little squares.

第一件事就是和面。把9g黄油加到150g牛奶中,在微波炉中加热30秒搅匀,再加入6g发酵粉搅匀,然后放入15g白糖、5g盐和一个鸡蛋打匀。再放入300g面粉和成面团。盖上保鲜膜,放入微波炉加热30秒,20分钟后,面团就发起来了。等待的同时,准备其它东西。 把大蒜和洋葱切碎,放入碗中,加入蕃茄酱、白糖和盐搅匀待用。把洋葱、青椒、胡萝卜和香肠切成小方块。

for another thing, using the rolling pin make the dough round and thin. Then put it in the baking tray or in the electric baking pan and you should put some oil under it first. Then put some cheese and mixed tomatosauce on it and make it well-distributed. Then put the vegetables and sausages or meat on it. Then put it in the oven or microwave or electric baking pan. About 15 minutes it will be cooked well in the oven and 10 minutes in the microwave. If you use the electric baking pan , it is more complex. You should look at it frequently and you should put a towel or other things among the handle so the upper side can’t contact and it will not get burned. The last 5 minutes , put some cheese on the pizza and heat it again. Then the pizza is cooked well and you can smell the nice flavour.


It sounds more complex ,but when you try to do it you will find it is really not very hard. I have made some pizzas with oven and electric baking pan .when I shared them with my friends I felt very happy. Are you ok ?  Let’s try and you will make It .




发表人邮件:hbqjgzg@163.com发表时间:2009-10-17 8:09:00


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