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发表日期:2018年6月7日  本页面已被访问 1293 次

泰州市概况(Survey of Taizhou City

○ 泰州是一座具有2100多年历史的文化名城,文化底蕴深厚。战国时称海阳,汉初称海陵,南唐后称泰州,素有"汉唐古郡,淮海名区"之称。元末明初文学家施耐庵、清代艺术家郑板桥、评话宗师柳敬亭以及现代京剧代表人物梅兰芳等均是泰州历史文化名人中的杰出代表。意大利旅行家马可·波罗称赞泰州"城不甚大,然百物皆丰"

Taizhou is a famous cultural city with a history of more than 2,100 years. Named Haiyang in Warring States Period, Hailing in the early Han Dynasty and Taizhou after Southern Tang Dynasty, Taizhou is well-known in Huaihai region. Many cultural celebrities spring up in Taizhou, the representatives of whom are Shi Nai’an, a writer in late Yuan Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty, and Zheng Banqiao, an artist in Qing Dynasty, and Liu Jingting, the master of Pinghua, and Mei Lanfang, a renowned modern Peking Opera artist, and so forth and so on. Marco Polo once traveled to Taizhou, and left his famous saying “The city isn’t very big, yet full of extreme worldly fortune of all kinds”.


○ 泰州市属于国务院划定的上海经济圈,地处长江下游、江苏中部,素有"苏中第一门户"之称,与苏州、无锡、常州、镇江等地隔江相望。总面积5793平方公里,人口503万。

Taizhou belongs to the Shanghai Economic Circle planned by the State Council Of China. It is located at the lower reaches of Yangtze River and in the middle of Jiangsu as the "First Gate of Mid-Jiangsu", facing Suzhou, Wuxi, Changzhou and Zhenjiang on the north side of Yangtze River. It has a population of 5,030,000 with the total size of 5793 k.


○ 泰州作为长江三角洲地区新兴的工业城市,90年代以来,经济每年以高于15%的速度递增。城市建设和社会经济得到了迅猛发展,涌现了新加坡益海粮油、美国葛兰素史克、日本雅马哈、韩国LG、瑞士魏德曼、台湾纬创资通、扬子江药业集团、春兰集团、林海集团等一大批国内外著名企业。泰州先后被评为"国家级卫生城市""全国文明城市"等荣誉称号。

Taizhou is a newly developing industrial city in Yangtze River Delta, the social economy of which grows at a rate of over 15% annually since 1990s. With the rapid development of urban construction and social economy, many enterprises from home and abroad have set their factories here, including Wilmar Oil Group from Singapore, GlaxoSmithKline from America, Yamaha from Japan, LG from Korea, Weidmann from Switzerland, Wistron Group from Taiwan, Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group, Chunlan Group and Linhai Group, etc. Taizhou has been awarded as the National Sanitary City, and National Civilized City, etc.


○ 泰州位于东经119°38′至120°38′之间,北纬31°55′至33°12′之间,属亚热带季风性湿润气候,年平均气温16.3℃,雨量充沛,年降雨量1281毫米,全年无霜期220天。

Taizhou is situated from 119°38120°33E longitude to 32°0157″—33°1059N latitude; therefore it belongs to the subtropical monsoon zone, with an average temperature of 16.3°C. The amount of annual rainfall is 1,281 mm. Among 365 days, 220 are no-frost days.


泰州市高港区概况(Survey of Gaogang District

○ 高港区属于泰州市主辖区之一,地处泰州市南大门,属江苏沿江经济开发带,下辖口岸、刁铺、永安洲、白马、许庄、大泗、胡庄等七镇(街道办事处)和泰州高港高新技术产业园区,面积330平方公里,人口约30万,是国务院批准的沿海开放城市。

Gaogang is one of the two main districts in Taizhou city which lies in the south of Taizhou. It belongs to the coastal economic development chains of Jiangsu Province and governs 7 towns, namely Kou’an, Diaopu, Yong’anzhou, Baima, Xuzhuang, Dasi and Huzhuang and one industrial park, namely Gaogang High-tech Industrial Park. Covering an area of 330 k with a population of about 300,000, Gaogang is one of the coastal open cities approved by the State Council of China.


○ 高港区因其良好的区位优势、资源条件、经济基础,已成为长三角地区工业发达、文化繁荣、交通便捷、社会安定、商贾云集的滨江工业新城。改革开放以来,年均经济增长速度超过15%,人均财政收入在江苏省各县、市(区)中位居前列。

Thanks to its competitive location & resource advantages and solid economic basis, Gaogang has become a promising coastal industrial city in the Yangtze River Delta, enjoying well developed industries, flourishing culture, accessible transport, and stable society. The economic growth rate in Gaogang increases by 15% annually since reform and opening up, and per capita revenue takes a leading position in Jiangsu Province.



Enterprises are thronging to set their factories here, including Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group, Wilmar Rice & Oil from Singapore, Hoerbiger Orient Gear from Germany, Uni-president Group from Taiwan, Wanxiang Group from Zhejiang, Galaxy Electronics from Hong Kong, China Resouces Snow Breweries Co., Ltd, Taibei 101 Financial Center, Mingfa Group and Red Star Malcalline Furniture Group, to name just a few.


交通位置图(Transportation & Location Map

○ 空港:高港区距上海虹桥国际机场203公里,约2小时车程;距南京禄口国际机场160公里,约1小时40分钟车程;距无锡硕放国际机场90公里,约1小时车程;距苏中国际机场20公里,约15分钟车程。

Airport Gaogang is 203 km away from Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport, 160 km from Nanjing Lukou International Airport, 90 km from Wuxi Shuofang International Airport and 20 km from Mid-Jiangsu International Airport, which take 2 hours, 1.5 hours, 1 hour and 15 minutes respectively by car from the Park.


○ 公路:京沪高速公路、宁通高速公路、宁靖盐高速公路、江海高速、沿海高速、328国道在高港区交汇,并设有多处交流道和出口处。

Expressway & Highway Gaogang is the intersection point of Beijing-Shanghai, Nanjing-Nantong, Nanjing-Jingjiang-Yancheng, Jiangdu-Hai’an, Shenyang-Hai’kou(in Jiangsu part) Expressways and 328 National Highway. All the above expressways and highway go through Gaogang and set up interchanges and exits in Gaogang.

○ 铁路:高港区距泰州火车站(客、货运站)15公里,约15分钟车程。新长铁路北接陇海线,南接京沪和浙赣线;宁启铁路西起南京,东至启东。泰州火车站(客货运站)已开通的直达路线有:北京、兰州、哈尔滨、杭州、成都、武汉、厦门、青岛、深圳等。目前正在进行的泰州-上海段铁路电气化工程改造,2012年完工后,泰州至上海约需1小时车程,泰州至南京约需30分钟车程。

Railway Gaogang is 15km or 15mins’ drive away from Taizhou Railway Station. Xinchang railway connects Long-Hai Line in the north, with Jing-Hu and Zhe-Gan Lines in the south. Ning-Qi railway starts from Nanjing, and ends at Qidong. The routes of Taizhou Railway Station lead to cities such as Beijing, Lanzhou, Harbin, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Wuhan, Xiamen, Qingdao, and Shenzhen etc. Meanwhile, Nanjing-Qidong electrified double-tracked railway is under construction. After its completion in 2012, it will take about one hour to Shanghai and half an hour to Nanjing.


○ 国际港口:拥有国家一类开放港口--泰州港,是两岸首批直航港口之一。建有专门的国际集装箱运输码头。经泰州港起运由上海港中转的班轮可到达世界104个国家和地区。同时,已开通西至重庆、武汉,北至营口、大连,南至海口、蛇口的国内水运网络。

Port Taizhou Port, National Category One Port, is located in Gaogang District. It’s one of the first direct ports to Taiwan, where the quay for international container transport has been built. Vessels departing from Taizhou Port can reach 104 countries and regions of the world via Shanghai Port. A domestic water transportation network has been open, which can reach Chongqing and Wuhan in the west, Yingkou and Dalian in the north and Haikou and Shekou in the south.


泰州高港高新区(Taizhou Gaogang High-tech Industrial Park

○ 泰州高港高新技术产业园区(以下简称高港高新区)成立于20022月,属于省级经济开发区。总规划面积45平方公里。园区基础设施配套齐全,实现了"八通一平"(通路、供电、供热、供排水、污水处理、电信、天然气、有线电视、土地平整)。

Established in Feb. 2002, Taizhou Gaogang High-tech Industrial Park (hereafter referred to as the Park) is a provincial industrial park, and was rated as one of the key industrial parks by Jiangsu People's Government in 2005. The total planned area is 45 k. The infrastructure construction has finished, which makes “Eight Supplies and One Leveling” possible (supplies of road, electricity, heat, drainage, sewage treatment, telecom, cable TV, gas and leveled land).

○ 高港高新区是一个以高新技术为导向,以先进制造业和传统产业升级为基础,以发展现代工业与现代服务业以及城市建设相结合的产业特色园区。园区规划科学,合理布局产业项目区和城市功能区,具体分为四个功能区:商务服务区、产业项目区、科技孵化区和市场物流区。


Gaogang High-tech Industrial Park is characterized with its high technology-orientation. It focuses on the development of advanced manufacturing and the elevation of traditional industries, supplemented by the integration of modern primary and secondary industries and urban construction. Aiming at being an eco-multifunctional modern industrial park, Gaogang High-tech Industrial Park is subdivided into four functional areas, namely business service area, industrial area, science & technology incubation area and logistics area. The four pillar industries that Gaogang High-tech Industrial Park pays much attention to are new decoration material industry, automobile parts industry, IT industry and life & health industry.


○ 高港高新区力争在“十二五”期间,建成全区经济增长的快速区,先进产业的集聚区,开放创新的示范区,全省一流的开发区,并将成为苏中地区最具活力、最具竞争力和最具创新潜力的现代产业集聚区。

In the "Twelfth Five-year" period, the Park aims at becoming a first-class industrial park in Jiangsu Province, with its economy developing rapidly, its advanced industries gathering, and its life promising. Gaogang High-tech Industrial Park will be the most active, vigorous, competitive and creative zone in Mid-Jiangsu.


功能分区(Functional Division


1、商务服务区(Business Service Area


According to the general planning of Taizhou City, the main district, namely Hailing District, will stretch into the south, which makes Gaogang High-tech Industrial Park the intersection that combines Hailing and Gaogang. Therefore, the Park enjoys the location and strategic advantages. The key projects under construction in the Park are Red Star Macalline Furniture Exhibition Center, Taiwan New City, and Hopsca invested by Mingfa Group, the construction items of which include five-star hotel, shopping center, schools, supermarket, mall, five-star office building, theater, amusement park, appliance shop and slap-up residential buildings, etc.


2、产业项目区  Industrial Area



National Base of China Wallpaper Industry ------ Gaogang High-tech Industrial Park was successfully crowned as the Base of China Wallpaper Industry in January 2010.

The most important reason is that the Park has strong industrial foundation. Many famous wallpaper companies cluster in the Park, such as Crown Wallpaper, Lunon Wallpaper, Detai Wallpaper, Tulip Wallpaper, Meilinhome Wallpaper and Kiya Wallpaper, to name just a few, and their products sale well all over the world. Up till now, the Park has built and is building nearly 80 manufacturing lines of various kinds of wallpaper, which makes Gaogang High-tech Industrial Park the largest cluster of wallpaper manufacturing in China. And the yearly capacity of wallpaper in Taizhou City takes 30 percent of the national capacity. Aiming at being the top base of China wallpaper industry, the Park is speeding up in its way to absorb well-known wallpaper manufacturing enterprises from home and abroad. In the following 2 or 3 years, the Park plans to attract another 50 wallpaper manufacturing firms with the capacity up to 150 production lines. Meanwhile, the Park is busy making the wallpaper industry network complete by gathering more matching enterprises in the field of specialty wallpaper, water-based ink, sizing agent, mould manufacturing and wallpaper design, etc. The national vocational school in the Park has set wallpaper specialty course. In addition, the Park will pay much attention to the further training of wallpaper technicians and the protection of intellectual property. What’s more, the Park plans to build up wallpaper incubation center and testing center, and wallpaper trade fair as well.



Provincial Base of Automobile Parts Industry------ Gaogang High-tech Industrial Park was awarded as the Provincial Base of Automobile Parts Industry by Jiangsu Government in 2009. More than 20 enterprises thronged to the Park, such as Wanxiang Group from ZhejiangHoerbiger Orient Gear Co., Ltd from Germany, and Suzhong Automobile Antenna Production Co., Ltd, etc. The park will focus on the manufacture of key automobile parts, such as wheel hub, SRS, synchromesh bearing gearbox, cartronics, precision mechanics and GM gasoline engine, etc.



Base of IT Industry------IT industry is a booming industry in Gaogang High-tech Industrial Park. For the purpose of strengthening IT industry, the Park focuses on the attraction of IT leading enterprises to invest in the Park, which produce LED, integrated circuit and discrete semiconductor device. Meanwhile, software design companies, smart grid and IOT are also what we want.



Base of Life & Health Industry ------ China Medical City (CMC) was awarded as National Medical High-tech Development Zone by State Council of China in March 2009. And CMC South Park is an important part of CMC, which lies in Gaogang High-tech Industrial Park. CMC South Park will make good use of this advantage to further develop life & health, life engineering, bio-technology, healthcare products and medical apparatus & instrument, medical supplies and other related industries. 


3科技孵化区 Science & Technology Incubation Area


Science & technology incubation area is the provincial pioneer service center. With the planning area 120 mu and the construction area 200,000 , it has been cooperating with State Ministry of Education, well-known universities and academic research institutions to build up strategic partnership with technical innovation universities and research institutes. What’s more, the Park pays more attention to the construction of data industrial park, and will absorb medium & small scaled enterprises with high-tech & high value-added academic research fruits. Its purpose is to provide a platform for the industrialization of the high-tech achievements and therefore guarantee a strong support for the sustainable development of the Park.


4、市场物流区  Logistics Area


Making good use of prominent location and transportation advantages, such as expressways, Taizhou Yangtze River bridge, Mid-Jiangsu international airport and Taizhou port, the Park is trying to build up a modern service industrial base which will greatly serve all enterprises in the Park with high speed and efficiency and low price.


主要代表企业(Representative Enterprises


In the Park, there are over 150 enterprises involving automobile parts, electronics & information, new decoration materials, medicine & bio-science, etc. Among them, more than 80 are foreign invested enterprises from USA, France, Germany, Japan, Malaysia, Philippine, Thailand and Hong Kong and Taiwan as well. And the important projects include Uni-president Group, Wanxiang Group, China Resources Snow Breweries, Hoerbiger Orient Gear, Galaxy Electronics, Taibei 101, Mingfa Group and Red Star Macalline, etc.



具有竞争力的投资成本-1Competitive Investment Cost-Ⅰ)



Port rate 10% lower than that of other ports

项目    Item

收费标准     Price


Customs Clearance

100/        RMB 100/ticket


Boxing & Unboxing

20(20 ft)


RMB 300/time

40(40 ft)


RMB 600/time

港杂费(包括港建费和港务费)port charges,including harbor construction due and  harbor due

20(20 ft)


RMB 100/container(export)


RMB 120/container(import)

40(40 ft)


RMB 160/container(export)


RMB 200/container(import)

理货费      Tally Fee

20(20 ft)


RMB 50-70/container

40(40 ft)


RMB 120-140/container



Land cost The Park has realized "Eight supplies and one leveling"(supplies of road, electricity, water, drainage, sewage treatment, telecom, cable TV, gas and leveled land). The geological condition in the Park is superior in terms of its topography, stratal configuration, physico-mechanical properties and bearing capacity. Generally speaking, construction of buildings less than 7 floors requires no piling. The price of land use right transfer for industrial purpose is quite competitive in Yangtze River Delta.


○建筑成本(Construction cost


Workshop structure


Construction cost(RMB/sqm)


Light steel structure (double floor)




Frame structure





Water cost




for living


for industry


for commerce


for special domains









Power cost







for general business

RMB 0.829/KWH

大工业用电                for large industry



RMB 0.633/KWH+basic price


800-1200, 1700-2100

peak timeRMB 1.055/KWH


1200-1700, 2100-2400

normal timeRMB 0.633/KWH



valley timeRMB 0.291/KWH




for urban & rural life

RMB 0.5283/KWH

 less than 1 KV


具有竞争力的投资成本-2Competitive Investment Cost -Ⅱ)

○劳动力价格(Labor price






Common worker








over 4000


○社会保障费用(Social insurance fund

社会保障费用 (Social Insurance Fund


缴纳比例Payment Percentage


Pension Insurance Fund


 29% of wage(21% by employer, 8% by employee)


Unemployment Insurance Fund

工资的3%(企业2%,个人1%                     3% of wage(2% by employer, 1% by employee)


  Work Injury Insurance Fund

工资的0.5%-2%(企业支付)                       0.5% -2% of wage(all by employer)

医疗保险金                               Medical Care Insurance Fund

工资的11%(企业9%,个人2%                  11% of wage(9% by employer, 2% by employee)


Child-bearing Insurance Fund

工资的1%(企业支付)                                   1% of wage(all by employer)

住房公积金                         Housing Provident Fund

工资的12%(企业6%,个人6%                     12% of wage(6% by employer, 6% by employee)


○ 项目用地(About Land Use


The Park promises to provide the most preferential price of land use right transfer under the regulations of national policies. For those industrial enterprises with the registered capital over 10 million USD, the Park promises to provide special policies.


投资优势(Investment Advantages

1、独特的区位优势(Unique Location Advantage

○ 公路:高港区具有"承南接北,贯穿东西"的独特区位优势,北上京、津、鲁,南下沪、浙、闽的高速公路网便捷通畅;京沪高速、宁通高速、328国道、沿江高等级公路从高新区通过,并在我区设有多处交流道和出口处,江阴大桥和泰州长江公路大桥横跨高港与无锡、常州、镇江,进一步加快了我区与苏、锡、常、上海、浙江等长三角主要城市和地区经济的快速融合。

Highway Gaogang High-tech Industrial Park is right situated at the exit of Beijing-Shanghai Expressway, Nanjing-Nantong Expressway and Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway. Meanwhile, 328 State Highway and Yangtze River Coast Highway go through the park. What’s more, Jiangyin Yangtze River Bridge and Taizhou Yangtze River Bridge will promote the economic integration between Gaogang and Suzhou, Wuxi, Changzhou, Shanghai, Zhenjiang etc. All those form the convenient transportation network for Gaogang to be closely connected with the developed metropolis.


○ 铁路:新长铁路和宁启铁路毗邻交汇,进一步优化了我区及沿江的交通格局。泰州火车站客货运站已成为苏中、苏北地区年货运吞吐量最大的火车站,极大地方便了我区与中西部地区、北部地区及东南沿海地区的经济融合。泰州直达上海的高速铁路电气化改造2012年完工后,泰州到上海约需1小时车程,到南京约需30分钟车程。  

Railway Xinchang Railway and Ningqi Railway pass through Taizhou, which promotes the transportation frame for Gaogang and other Yangtze River coastal cities. Taizhou Railway is the one with the largest handling capacity in mid and northern Jiangsu, which attributes to Gaogang's economic integration with central and western, northern and east-southern coastal areas of China. What’s more, Nanjing-Qidong electrified double-tracked railway is under construction now. After its completion in 2012, it will take about half an hour to Nanjing and one hour to Shanghai.


○ 航空:高港区除距上海虹桥机场、浦东国际机场和南京禄口国际机场1.5-2小时车程外,距无锡国际机场约1小时车程,距正在建设并将于2012年通航的苏中江都国际机场约15分钟车程。

Airport Gaogang is 1.5-2 hours' drive away from Shanghai Hongqiao, Shanghai Pudong, and Nanjing Lukou International Airports, and 1 hour’s drive away from Wuxi Shuofang International Airport and about 15 minutes’ drive away from Jiangdu International Airport (under construction and open to use in 2012).


2、港口及长江岸线优势(Port & Yangtze River Shoreline Advantage

○ 长江岸线:我区拥有沿江岸线24.2公里,其中水深-10以上的一级岸线13.6公里;水深-5-8的二级岸线长3.3公里。现可供开发利用的深水岸线长2.2公里,可建设5万吨以上的码头近20个。新加坡益海粮油等国际型大企业已落户我区。

There is 24.2 km of shoreline along the Yangtze River within the territory of Gaogang District, of which 13.6km are lower than -10m, 3.3 km are lower than -5m to -8m. 2.2km shoreline is available for exploitation, and 20 docks with bearing of 50,000 tons for each can be built along the shoreline. Up till now, such international enterprises as Wilmar Rice & Oil from Singapore have set plants in Gaogang District.


○ 泰州港:泰州港口年集装箱吞吐量约达40万只标箱,出口货物基本免收泰州港至上海江段运费,海运成本基本和上海处于同一起跑线上。港口费率低于同类港口10%。泰州LG公司年出口货柜2万只标箱以上,全部通过泰州港运至欧洲、美洲等世界各地。

The handling capacity of Taizhou Port is about 400 thousand standard containers. Containers starting from Taizhou Port are free of the freight from Taizhou to Shanghai; therefore the cost of international freight starting from Taizhou Port is almost the same as that starting from Shanghai. For example, all the 20,000 containers of LG in Taizhou are shipped through Taizhou port to America and Europe each year.


3、能源资源优势(Energy Resource Advantage

○ 高港区内已建成220千伏、110千伏、35千伏变电所各一座,可确保进园企业足够用电。

There are 3 transformer substations of 220kv, 110kv and 35kv respectively in Gaogang, which can guarantee the strong demand of power for enterprises.


○ 中国国电集团在我区投资170亿元建设全国规模最大、技术最先进、总装机容量为400万千瓦的超超临界火力发电组,目前已并网发电,为我区的经济发展提供坚强的后盾。

China Guodian Group has invested 17 billion RMB to build the largest and the most advanced thermal generator set which is super-powered with the total installed capacity of 4 million kw. Up till now, phase I has begun generating power. It will be a strong support for Gaogang economic development.


○ 高新区濒临长江,水资源及地下水资源丰富,水质标准高(总碱度1.6,硬度3.5,氯根139PH7.66),非常适合大用水量和食品加工企业的落户投资。

Gaogang is located by Yangtze River; therefore it enjoys rich and high-quality water (Alkalinity 1.6, hardness 3.5, chlorine ion 139, ph7.66) which is suitable for food processing enterprises and large-scaled water consumption enterprises.


4、便捷的产业配套优势 Convenient Industrial Matching Advantage

○ 由江苏、上海、浙江构成的长江三角洲地区人口占全国比例的10.4%GDP占全国比例的21.5%,商品流通规模占全国比例的29.6%。我区处于长三角地区以及华东六省一市的中心地带,以京沪高速为中心纵横交错的高速交通网络,极大的有利于产业集聚和物流。

Yangtze River Delta is an important part in China, the population of which occupies 10.4%, GDP 21.5%, and commodity circulation amount 29.6%. Gaogang District is right located at the central part of Yangtze River Delta and Eastern China, and the transportation network in Gaogang has stretched to the cities in these areas, which contributes to supplying better service for industry cluster and logistics for the developed areas.



Starting from the Park, it takes only one hour to Wuxi, Changzhou, Zhenjiang, Yangzhou, Nantong and Yancheng. In this one-hour economic circle, there are more than 20,000 well-known enterprises and the population is 30,000,000. And in the two-hour economic circle, there are the most advanced equipment and technology, the most strongest industrial matching capacity, the widest consumption market, and the richest human resources from middle level to top level.


5、充足的人力资源优势 Rich Human Resource Advantage

○ 泰州社会稳定、管理规范、人力资源素质较高,基础教育发达,职业技术教育覆盖面广,现有南京理工大学泰州科技学院、南京师范大学泰州学院、泰州师范高等专科学院、南京中医药大学翰林学院、泰州高等职业技术学院、江苏畜牧职业技术学院、泰州工业职业技术学院、泰州广播电视学院、凤凰职业技术学院等20多所高等院校。即将建成的大学有:泰州大学、中国药科大学泰州学院、南京工业大学泰州学院。

Taizhou is characterized by its wide scale of fundamental and vocational education. There are over 20 universities and colleges, including Nanjing University of Science & Technology (Taizhou Institute), Nanjing Normal University (Taizhou Institute), Taizhou Normal College, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine (Hanlin Institute), Taizhou Polytechnic College, Jiangsu Husbandry & Veterinarian College, Taizhou Industrial Tech Vocational College, Taizhou Radio & TV University and Phoenix Tech Vocational College, etc. And another three schools are under construction, namely Taizhou University, China Pharmaceutical University (Taizhou Institute), and Nanjing University of Technology (Taizhou Institute).


○ 拥有美国通用电器医疗集团、美国高盛集团、中科院、北京大学、清华大学、复旦大学、南京大学等国内外著名院校和科研机构在泰州设立的博士后工作站、国家级实验室、研究中心、研究所、研究院二十多家。全市拥有研究生20000多人,海归研究人员及国外专家160多人,各类专业技术人员58万余人,可用劳动力约180万人。其中,每年技校、职业学校毕业生51000余人,大中专毕业生35000人。

Intellectuals and research organizations of high level are valued here in Taizhou City. American GE Medical Group, American Goldman Sachs, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Nanjing University etc. have set their postdoctoral stations, national labs, research centers, academic institutes, the number of which comes to more than 20. And there are over 20000 postgraduates, 160 overseas returned and foreign researchers, 580,000 technicians, and about 1800,000 available labors. Among them, 51000 are graduates from vocational schools and 35000 are graduates from other schools and colleges each year.


6、特殊的土地及税收政策优势 Special Land and Policy Advantages

○ 高新园区对进园企业实行""收费,即地方政府行政性收费为""。这是评价一个地区或开发区对投资商提供最大优惠幅度的主要标准之一。

The administrative fee is “Zero”, which means the Park charges no money from enterprises on administrative affairs. It is one of the main standards for judging whether a development zone or district provides the most preferential policy to investors.


○ 除充分、充足享受国家、省、市规定的优惠政策外,对投资规模大、科技含量高、带动性强的内外资项目,实行特殊的优惠扶持政策。

Enterprises, especially those that are large-scaled, high-tech armed, and have strong traction power for other enterprises enjoy supportive policies and preferential tax policy from the government. And for those enterprises whose registered capital is over 10 million USD, the Park promises to provide with special policies and services.


周到的亲商服务(Considerate Pro-business Service

○ 高新区积极打造"高效、透明、规范"的服务型政府,形成了规范的管理制度和法制化的运行环境。对进园企业提供“无所不在、无微不至”的全天候、全过程、全方位的优质服务。具体包括对进园企业提供审批过程中的一条龙服务、企业建设过程中的全方位服务、企业开工投产后的经常性服务。全力营造完美的投资环境,力求以优质的服务、优美的环境、优惠的政策吸引投资者。

In order to set an example of “effective, transparent, fair and regular” government, the Park has made standard management regulations and carried out these regulations in daily items.  Meanwhile, the Park is trying to create legal operation environment and provide whole-process, full-day and all-round services. Every effort is made to attract investors with high-quality services, beautiful environment and preferential policies.


○ 高效、快捷的"一站式"服务 。具体包括:一站式审批服务;社会服务承诺制和违诺投诉制;24小时服务热线和值班制度;周到的投资咨询服务;政府定期走访企业制度;商检、海关、海事、边防等涉外机构齐全,可对进出口货物进行全天候检验、检疫,出口货物在泰州港“就地封关、一票到底”。

The Park supplies efficient "one-step" service, which includes one-step approval service. Apart from that, it has 24-hour hotline for consultations or complaints, and promises to visit regularly the enterprises that have set their factories in the Park. Taizhou commodity inspection organization, customs house, maritime safety office and border protection department are open to all, which supply whole-day services.


对外交流 (Foreign Affairs


In April 2006, Boao Forum for Asia on Medicine was held in Gaogang. 400 guests including heads of other countries gathered in Gaogang to discuss vital issues of the global medical industry.



In Nov. 2006, mayors of Yangtze River Delta gathered in Gaogang to discuss the theme of consultation and cooperation.



In Aug. 2007, international conferences such as Asia-pacific Area Diabetes Conference, etc. were successfully held in Gaogang.


○ 通过承办国际、国内高层次会议,促进了我区与世界经济的交流和融合,进一步加快了我区城市发展国际化的步伐。

By sponsoring and organizing international and domestic high-level conferences, Gaogang has speeded up in its way to be integrated with the global economy.


中国医药城南园(CMC South Park

○ 背景:在全国制药行业,百强企业泰州有其四;在江苏医药行业,泰州三分天下有其一。2010年泰州全部医药企业销售收入超过500亿元。泰州医药板块产销规模年均增长达到30%,综合效益连续9年在全省、全国独占鳌头。医药产业是泰州近年来发展最快、最具活力的产业,仅"十一五"期间,全市医药企业用于技术创新的投入累计达40亿元,一批重点企业都建了省级技术中心,扬子江药业集团建立了博士后工作站,国家级实验室正在建设之中。医药制剂、片剂等医药上、下游产业配套齐全。2005年以来,泰州相继被国家商务部批准为全国首批医药出口基地,被科技部批准为国家火炬计划医药产业基地。在这样的背景下,中国医药城在泰州这块土地上应运而生。

Background In the top 100 pharmaceutical enterprises around China, there are 4 in Taizhou, and in Jiangsu pharmaceutical industry, Taizhou takes 33.3%. The total sales income from all medical enterprises in Taizhou was over 50 billion RMB in 2010. The output and sales amount of medicine increases at the rate of 30% per year, and its comprehensive profit tops continuously for 9 years in Jiangsu Province and in China. Medical industry is the most developed and vigorous industry in Taizhou. In the "Eleventh Five-year" period, the capital invested on technical innovation reached 4 billion RMB. A group of key enterprises set up national labs, provincial technology centers and postdoctoral stations. And the related matching industries have further developed. Since 2005, Taizhou has become one of the first bases for Medicine Export and become Medical Industrial Base of National Torch Plan. In March 2009, China Medical City (CMC) was awarded as National Medical High-tech Development Zone by State Council of China.


○ 中国医药城南园:根据中国医药城一城两园的规划安排,建设泰州医药高新技术产业南园(即中国医药成南园)。南园以扬子江药业集团为核心,放大发展泰州医药产业的规模优势和技术优势,在医药产业的前伸后延上下功夫。医药城南园总规划面积3平方公里,计划用五年左右的时间,形成年产销200亿元的医药型园区,建成具有区域特点、品牌优势的医药及相关产业集群。

CMC South Park According to its "two parks of one city" plan, Taizhou Medical High-tech industrial Park (also called China Medical City South Park) was built up. Taking Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group as the core, China Medical City South Park enlarges the scale and advantages of Taizhou medical industry, and extends its industrial chain. In its planned 3 k, it will form a medical industrial park with output and sales amount of 20 billion RMB and become a medical cluster zone with regional characteristics and brand advantage in 5 years.



Development direction It focuses on the development of life engineering, bio-technology, healthcare products, medical equipment and medical supplies etc.


生活配套设施(Living Facilities

○ 居住:园区开发强调"以人为本,科学发展,和谐发展"理念,突出经济发展、科技进步及人与自然的和谐发展,积极打造一流的人居环境,规划整齐,错落有致的各类小区为区内外客商和各类人才提供了沁沁怡人、幽雅恬静的居所。

Habitat With the concepts of “People-oriented, scientific development and harmonious development”, the Park aims to create a sound living environment for all the investors and talents. The quiet, peaceful and elegant residential buildings will surely draw your attention.


○ 餐饮:高港素有"鱼米之乡""银杏之乡"美誉。“大佛指”银杏品质超群,产量约为全国的1/4。被誉为"长江三鲜"的鲥鱼、刀鱼、鮰鱼蜚声中外,名满天下,客商可尽情品尝长江鲜美特色和淮扬地区美食。

Foods & drinks Gaogang is the "land of fish and rice" and "home of ginkgo". Great Buddha Finger" is one kind of ginkgo with overwhelming fame and its output occupies 25 percent of the total output in China. Meanwhile, reeves shad, saury and Leiocassis Longirostris are three kinds of fish well-known at home and abroad for their delicacy. Guests can enjoy the aquatic products of Yangtze River and other delicacies of Huaiyang region.


○ 休闲:高尔夫球场、体育中心、海燕游泳馆、文化中心、图书馆、外商俱乐部、健身会所及现代化高档娱乐、休闲、健身场所成为了客商和居民愉悦身心的理想选择。

EntertainmentGolf-course, sports center, Petrel natatorium, cultural center, library, foreign merchants club, gymnasium and other modern entertainment places are ideal choices for all merchants and inhabitants in their leisure time.


○ 教育:高港素有"教育之乡"美称,现代化的幼儿园,国际双语小学和中学提供了当地最好的教育环境。

Education Gaogang is called "the hometown of education", in which modern kindergartens, bilingual primary schools and middle schools can provide the best education.

○ 医疗:现代化的泰州人民医院、高港人民医院为园区员工、居民提供卫生防疫、体检、医疗和救护等服务。

Medical service Modernized Taizhou People's Hospital and Gaogang People's Hospital are the trustworthy guards for people’s safety and health. They supply such medical services as epidemic prevention, physical check-up, medical treatment and rescue, etc.



Contact usInvestment Promotion Bureau of Gaogang High-tech Industrial Park


Add No. 8 Pioneer Road, Gaogang High-tech Industrial Park, Gaogang District, Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province, P. R. of China

邮编:225324 Post Code 225324

电话:86-523-86118815  86118806

传真:86-523-86118800Fax 86-523-86118800

电子邮件: guojun1958@126.comE-mailguojun1958@126.com





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