TC号 |
名称 |
英文名称 |
JTC 1 |
ISO/IEC 信息技术联合技术委员会[美国] |
ISO/IEC Joint technical committee for information technology |
TC 2 |
紧固件[德国] |
Fasteners |
TC 4 |
滚动轴承[瑞典] |
Rolling bearings |
TC 5 |
黑色金属管和金属配件[瑞士] |
Ferrous metal pipes and metallic fittings |
TC 6 |
纸、纸板和纸浆[加拿大] |
Paper, board and pulps |
TC 8 |
造船和船舶技术[日本] |
Ships and marine technology |
TC 10 |
技术产品文件[瑞典] |
Technical product documentation |
TC 11 |
锅炉及压力容器[美国] |
Boilers and pressure vessels |
TC 12 |
量值.单位.符号.换算系数[瑞典] |
Quantities, units, symbols, conversion factors |
TC 14 |
机器轴及附件[德国] |
Shafts for machinery and accessories |
TC 17 |
钢[日本] |
Steel |
TC 18 |
锌和锌合金[比利时] |
Zinc and zinc alloys |
TC 19 |
优先数系-暂停[法国] |
Preferred numbers - STAND-BY |
TC 20 |
航空与航天器[美国] |
Aircraft and space vehicles |
TC 21 |
消防设备[英国] |
Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting |
TC 22 |
道路车辆[法国] |
Road vehicles |
TC 23 |
拖拉机和农林机械设备[法国] |
Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry |
TC 24 |
筛子.筛子及其他粒度分级方法[德国] |
Sieves, sieving and other sizing methods |
TC 25 |
铸铁和生铁[英国] |
Cast iron and pig iron |
TC 26 |
铜和铜合金[德国] |
Copper and copper alloys |
TC 27 |
固态矿物燃料[英国/南非] |
Solid mineral fuels |
TC 28 |
石油产品和润滑剂[美国] |
Petroleum products and lubricants |
TC 29 |
小工具[法国] |
Small tools |
TC 30 |
封闭管道中流体流量的测量[英国] |
Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits |
TC 31 |
轮胎,轮辋和气门嘴[美国] |
TC 33 |
耐火材料[英国] |
Refractories |
TC 34 |
食品[匈牙利] |
Food products |
TC 35 |
色漆与清漆[荷兰] |
Paints and varnishes |
TC 36 |
摄影术[美国] |
Cinematography |
TC 37 |
术语(原则与协调)[奥地利] |
Terminology (principles and coordination) |
TC 38 |
纺织品[英国] |
Textiles |
TC 39 |
机床[意大利] |
Machine tools |
TC 41 |
带轮和带(包括V形带) |
Pulleys and belts (including veebelts) |
TC 42 |
摄影术[美国] |
Photography |
TC 43 |
声学[丹麦] |
Acoustics |
TC 44 |
焊接及相关工艺[法国] |
Welding and allied processes |
TC 45 |
橡胶和橡胶制品[马来西亚] |
Rubber and rubber products |
TC 46 |
信息及文献工作[法国] |
Information and documentation |
TC 47 |
化学[日本] |
Chemistry |
TC 48 |
实验室玻璃器皿和有关器具[德国] |
Laboratory glassware and related apparatus |
TC 51 |
单件货物搬运用托盘[英国] |
Pallets for unit load method of materials handling |
TC 52 |
薄壁金属容器[法国] |
Light gauge metal containers |
TC 54 |
香精油[西班牙] |
Essential oils |
TC 58 |
气瓶[英国] |
Gas cylinders |
TC 59 |
房屋建筑[挪威] |
Building construction |
TC 60 |
齿轮[美国] |
Gears |
TC 61 |
塑料[美国] |
Plastics |
TC 63 |
玻璃容器 [英国] |
TC 67 |
石油和天然气工业用材料.设备和海上结构[美国] |
Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum and natural gas industries |
TC 68 |
银行、证券及其它金融业务[美国] |
Banking, securities and other financial services |
TC 69 |
统计方法的应用[法国] |
Applications of statistical methods |
TC 70 |
内燃机[英国] |
Internal combustion engines |
TC 71 |
混凝土,钢筋混凝土和预应力混凝土[美国] |
Concrete, reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete |
TC 72 |
纺织机械和干洗及工业洗衣机械[瑞士] |
Textile machinery and machinery for dry-cleaning and industrial laundering |
TC 74 |
水泥和石灰[比利时] |
Cement and lime |
TC 76 |
医用输液.灌注和注射器具[德国] |
Transfusion, infusion and injection equipment for medical and pharmaceutical use |
TC 77 |
纤维增强水泥制品[比利时] |
Products in fibre reinforced cement |
TC 79 |
轻金属及其合金[法国] |
Light metals and their alloys |
TC 81 |
杀虫剂和其他农业化学品通用名称[英国] |
Common names for pesticides and other agrochemicals |
TC 83 |
运动和娱乐器材[德国] |
Sports and recreational equipment |
TC 84 |
医用注射器(针)[丹麦] |
Medical devices for injections |
TC 85 |
核能[法国] |
Nuclear energy |
TC 86 |
制冷和空气调节[美国] |
Refrigeration and air-conditioning |
TC 87 |
软木[葡萄牙] |
Cork |
TC 89 |
木基板材[德国] |
Wood-based panels |
TC 91 |
表面活性剂[伊朗] |
Surface active agents |
TC 92 |
防火安全[英国] |
Fire safety |
TC 93 |
淀粉(包括衍生物和副产品)[法国] |
Starch (including derivatives and by-products) |
TC 94 |
个人安全-防护服装和设备[澳大利亚] |
Personal safety -- Protective clothing and equipment |
TC 96 |
起重机 |
Cranes |
TC 98 |
建筑结构设计基础[波兰] |
Bases for design of structures |
TC 100 |
传动用和输送用链条和链轮[英国] |
Chains and chain wheels for power transmission and conveyors |
TC 101 |
连续式机械装卸设备[德国] |
Continuous mechanical handling equipment |
TC 102 |
铁矿石[日本] |
Iron ore and direct reduced iron |
TC 104 |
货运集装箱[美国] |
Freight containers |
TC 105 |
钢丝绳[英国] |
Steel wire ropes |
TC 106 |
牙科医学[英国] |
Dentistry |
TC 107 |
金属及其它无机涂层[美国] |
Metallic and other inorganic coatings |
TC 108 |
机械振动与冲击[美国] |
Mechanical vibration and shock |
TC 110 |
工业车辆[德国] |
Industrial trucks |
TC 111 |
圆钢环链.链钩及附件[英国] |
Round steel link chains, chain slings, components and accessories |
TC 112 |
真空技术[德国] |
Vacuum technology |
TC 113 |
流量测量[英国] |
Hydrometric determinations |
TC 114 |
钟表[瑞士] |
Horology |
TC 115 |
泵[法国] |
Pumps |
TC 116 |
室内采暖设备[新西兰] |
Space heating appliances |
TC 117 |
工业风机-暂停[法国] |
TC 118 |
压缩机.气动工具和气动机械[瑞典] |
Compressors, pneumatic tools and pneumatic machines |
TC 119 |
粉末冶金[瑞典] |
Powder metallurgy |
TC 120 |
皮革[英国] |
Leather |
TC 121 |
麻醉设备和医疗呼吸设备[英国] |
Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment |
TC 122 |
包装[土尔其] |
Packaging |
TC 123 |
滑动轴承[俄罗斯] |
Plain bearings |
TC 126 |
烟草和烟草制品[德国] |
Tobacco and tobacco products |
TC 127 |
土方机械[美国] |
Earth-moving machinery |
TC 130 |
印刷技术[德国] |
Graphic technology |
TC 131 |
液体动力系统[美国] |
Fluid power systems |
TC 132 |
铁合金[南非] |
Ferroalloys |
TC 135 |
无损检验[日本] |
Non-destructive testing |
TC 136 |
家具[瑞典] |
Furniture |
TC 138 |
输送流体用塑料管.管配件和阀门[日本] |
Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids |
TC 145 |
图形符号[英国] |
Graphical symbols |
TC 146 |
空气质量[德国] |
Air quality |
TC 147 |
水质[德国] |
Water quality |
TC 148 |
缝纫机[德国] |
Sewing machines |
TC 149 |
自行车[西班牙] |
Cycles |
TC 150 |
外科植入物[德国] |
Implants for surgery |
TC 153 |
阀门 |
Valves |
TC 154 |
工商行政管理中的过程、数据资料和文件-暂停[瑞士] |
TC 155 |
镍和镍合金[加拿大] |
Nickel and nickel alloys |
TC 156 |
金属及合金的腐蚀[俄罗斯] |
Corrosion of metals and alloys |
TC 157 |
机械避孕用具[瑞典] |
Mechanical contraceptives |
TC 158 |
气体分析[荷兰] |
Analysis of gases |
TC 159 |
人类工效学[德国] |
Ergonomics |
TC 160 |
建筑用玻璃[英国] |
Glass in building |
TC 161 |
非工业用燃气器具及系统的控制和安全装置[德国] |
Control and protective devices for gas and oil burners and gas and oil burning appliances |
TC 162 |
门和窗[挪威] |
Doors and windows |
TC 163 |
隔热[瑞典] |
Thermal insulation |
TC 164 |
金属的机械试验[日本] |
Mechanical testing of metals |
TC 165 |
木结构[加拿大] |
Timber structures |
TC 166 |
接触食品的陶瓷器皿.玻璃器皿和玻璃陶瓷器皿[美国] |
Ceramic ware, glassware and glass ceramic ware in contact with food |
TC 167 |
钢和铝结构[挪威] |
Steel and aluminium structures |
TC 168 |
假肢与矫形器[德国] |
Prosthetics and orthotics |
TC 170 |
外科器械[德国] |
Surgical instruments |
TC 171 |
文件成像的应用[法国] |
Document imaging applications |
TC 172 |
光学与光学仪器[德国] |
Optics and optical instruments |
TC 173 |
残疾人用的技术装置和辅助器[瑞典] |
Technical systems and aids for disabled or handicapped persons |
TC 174 |
首饰[德国] |
Jewellery |
TC 175 |
萤光石[南非] |
Fluorspar |
TC 176 |
质量管理和质量保证[加拿大] |
Quality management and quality assurance |
TC 177 |
旅居车[英国] |
Caravans |
TC 178 |
电梯.自动扶梯和旅客运送机[法国] |
Lifts, escalators, passenger conveyors |
TC 180 |
太阳能[澳大利亚] |
Solar energy |
TC 181 |
玩具的安全[丹麦] |
Safety of toys |
TC 182 |
土工学[荷兰] |
Geotechnics |
TC 183 |
铜.铅和锌矿石及其精矿[澳大利亚] |
Copper, lead and zinc ores and concentrates |
TC 184 |
工业自动化系统和集成[法国] |
Industrial automation systems and integration |
TC 185 |
过压保护安全装置[美国] |
Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure |
TC 186 |
餐刀具和装饰用金属中空器皿[英国] |
Cutlery and table and decorative metal hollow-ware |
TC 188 |
小船[瑞典] |
Small craft |
TC 189 |
瓷砖[美国] |
Ceramic tile |
TC 190 |
土壤质量[荷兰] |
Soil quality |
TC 192 |
燃气轮机[美国] |
Gas turbines |
TC 193 |
天然气[荷兰] |
Natural gas |
TC 194 |
医疗器械的生物学评定[德国] |
Biological evaluation of medical devices |
TC 195 |
建筑机械和设备[波兰] |
Building construction machinery and equipment |
TC 197 |
氢技术[加拿大] |
Hydrogen technologies |
TC 198 |
保健产品的消毒[美国] |
Sterilization of health care products |
TC 199 |
机械安全[德国] |
Safety of machinery |
TC 201 |
表面化学分析[日本] |
Surface chemical analysis |
TC 202 |
微束分析[中国] |
Microbeam analysis |
TC 203 |
技术能量系统[瑞典] |
Technical energy systems |
TC 204 |
运输信息和管理系统[美国] |
Transport information and control system |
TC 205 |
建筑物环境设计[美国] |
Building environment design |
TC 206 |
细陶瓷[日本] |
Fine ceramics |
TC 207 |
环境管理[加拿大] |
Environmental management |
TC 208 |
工业用热力涡轮机-暂停[德国] |
TC 209 |
洁净室和有关受控环境-暂停[美国] |
TC 210 |
医疗器械质量管理和相应的一般情况[美国] |
Quality management and corresponding general aspects for medical devices |
TC 211 |
地理信息/数字地理[挪威] |
Geographic information/Geomatics |
TC 212 |
临床实验室试验和在玻璃试管内诊断试验系统[美国] |
Clinical laboratory testing and in vitro diagnostic test systems |
TC 213 |
产品的尺寸和几何规范及检验[丹麦] |
Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification |
TC 214 |
升降工作平台[美国] |
Elevating work platforms |
TC 215 |
健康信息学[美国] |
Health informatics |
TC 216 |
鞋类[西班牙] |
Footwear |
TC 217 |
化妆品[伊朗] |
Cosmetics |
TC 218 |
木材[挪威] |
Timber |
TC 219 |
铺地物[英国] |
Floor coverings |
TC 220 |
低温容器[法国] |
Cryogenic vessels * |
TC 221 |
土工合成材料[英国] |
Geosynthetics |
TC 222 |
私人财物策划[美国] |
Personal financial planning |
TC 223 |
公民防御 - 临时[俄罗斯] |
Civil defence - PROVISIONAL |
TC 226 |
铝及铝产品原料 |