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发表日期:2018年6月8日  本页面已被访问 4053 次


  Good morning

  Good afternoon.

  May I come in

  Nice to meet you.

  Thank you.


  I‘ve enjoyed speaking with you.

  That‘s my pleasure. It’s been nice talking with you.

  Wellnice to have been talking to you.

  Thank you for interview with me. I hope to meet you again.


  I think that‘s all.

  That‘s itI t hink.

  Have I answered your question


  Thank you for your compliment.

  It‘s very kind of you to say so.

  Excuse meI guess I don‘t make myself clear.


  Do you intend to say that…

  Do you mean…

  Does that mean…

  If I understand right…


  For example

  Let me give you an example.


  You see

  Wellthe thing is

  Wellyou knower

  I mean…

  Ohlet me think for a moment…

  Welllet me see.

  That‘s a very big / interesting / difficult question…

  Um…er…actually…in fact…you see…the thing is…how shall I put it…sort of…

  Well…it‘s like thisyou see…theee…ayyy…


  Can you tell me something about it

  I‘d like to know more about…


  I find…quite attracting.

  I have some interest in…

  I‘m interested in…

  My hobby is…

  …interests me a great deal.


  As far as I‘m concernedI think…

  As I see it

  In my opinion…

  PersonallyI believe…



  Could you repeat thatplease

  Could you say that againplease

  I‘m sorry

  I‘sorrybut I didn’t quite catch what you were saying.

  I‘sorrywhat’s that


  I was just saying…

  I was just wondering…


  in other words

  Let me put it another way

  That‘s to say…


  Can I say something here

  Can I add something

  Excuse me for interruptingbut…



  I was wondering if you could help me. I‘d like to know…

  I wonder if you could tell me…

  This may sound like a dumb questionbut I‘d like to know…

  Excuse medo you know…

  I hope you don‘t mind my askingbut I’d like to know…

  Would you mindvery muchtelling me…

  Excuse mebut could I ask you a quick question

  Do you happen to know…(你是否碰巧知道


  Welllet me see…

  Ohlet me think for a minute…

  I‘m not sureI’ll have to check…

  That‘s a very interesting question.


  I‘m not really sure.

  I can‘t answer that one.

  I‘m sorryI really don’t know.

  I‘ve got no idea.

  I‘d like to help youbut…

  That‘s something I’d rather not talk about just now.

  Ask me another question.(别问我这个。)


  Could you tell me some more about…

  Would you mind telling me more about…

  I‘d like to know more about…

  Something else I was wondering about was…

  Something else I‘d like to know is…

  Sorrythat‘s not really what I meanWhat I’d like to know is…

  Sorry to keep after youbut could you tell me…

  SorryI don‘t quite understand why…

  Situational dialogues(情景对话)


  Who is your character

  What does your character need

  What relationship does your character have with the character played by the interviewer or another candidate


  1. AHow are you

  BNot bad. How about you

  AI am very wellthank you

  BIt‘s been a long time that we haven’t seen each other.

  AIt‘s really has been a long time.

  2. AHiI‘m Jack.

  BI‘m Jean.

  ANice to meet you.


  AWhere are you from


  AOhreallyAre you have on vacation or on business

  BNeither. I‘m a student here.

  AIs that rightWhich university

  BEastern Washington University.

  AWhat are you studying

  BBusiness Education

  AOhthat sounds interesting.

  BNot bad. What about youAre you a studenttoo

  ANoI work for an auto company in town.

  3. AHiI‘m××


  AGlad to meet you.

  BNice to meet you.

  AAre you from around here

  BNofrom Chinabut I live in the States.

  AReallyNo wonder you speak English so well.

  What do you do

  BI‘m an analyst.

  AYou mean a psychoanalyst or an economic analyst

  BNeithera stock market analyst.

  AOhit‘s no easy job to analyze and predict the quotations on the stock exchange. Do you work in town

  BYeahI work for the Marloo Research Institute.

  AMm……sounds great.

  BWellwhat about youwhat‘s your job

  AI‘m a truck driver.

  BI just can‘t imagine driving a huge truck.

  AIt‘s easy. You want try itIt’s fun.

  BOhthank youbut I prefer not.


  1. AHellois××in now

  BI‘m sorryyou have the wrong number.

  AOhI‘m really sorry.

  AHellothis is××I would like to speak to××

  BSorryshe is not here. Do you have any message for her

  AI‘ll call again in 20 minutes.

  2. AHello

  BHelloLucyThis is Ted.

  AOhhelloTedhow are you doing

  BFine thanksLucyhow are you

  Apretty good. What‘s on your mind

  BWhat are you doing this weekend

  ANothing. Why

  BWellI‘m having several friends over for dinner this coming Saturdayand I was wondering if you’ll have time to join us.

  ASounds interesting. What time would you like me to come

  BIs six o‘clock all right

  AThat‘s fine. I think I can make it.

  BVery good. I‘ll see you Saturday. Good-bye.

  AThank you for calling. So long.

  3. A××office. What can I do for you

  BHithis××of ABC company. Is Mr. Robin there

  AWait a minuteI‘ll go and find him. Sorryhe is not in the office at the moment.

  BCould you tell me where I can get him on e phone nowI‘ve got something urgent.

  AI have no idea where he isbut he said he would be back early this afternoon. He‘ll be having a sales meeting. Can I take a message

  BYesplease. Would you ask him to call me as soon as he gets backs. The phone number is…

  Ais that right


  AAnd your name is

  B××of ABC Company.

  AI got it. OkI will have Mr. Robin call you the moment he comes back.

  BThanks a lot.

  AYou‘re welcome. Good-bye.


  1. AExcuse mecould you show me how to get to××

  2. AI am lost. Is there a subway station around here

  3. AExcuse me. Do you know how to get to××

  4. AWhere can I find××please


  1. Okyou go south three blocks. On your right hand side. You will see a huge building. That‘s it.

  2. Yesyou go this way until you get to the next traffic light. The subway entrance is just over there.

  3. I‘m sorry. I’m not familiar with this areaplease ask somebody else.

  4. Keep walking down this hall way and in front of the escalator on the right hand sideyou‘ll find it.



  AWat a stuffy hot day

  BI can‘t stand this kind of weather anymore.

  AWhat weird weather.

  BIt‘s probably due to the so- called El Nino effect.

  AThe TV said that today we might have rain.

  BDon‘t you believe the weather forecasts

  AIt‘s always wrong.

  BBut you‘d better bring an umbrella with you.


  AWhat kind of TV programs do you like

  BI like watching new programs.

  AWhy do you like to watch that kind of program.

  BI think keeping myself informed of the latest world news is very important.

  BWhat program do you like most

  AThe Discovery Channel on cable TV is the one I like most. It‘s full of knowledge and is a very good educational channel. I like to watch it with my family.


  AWhat are your hobbies

  BI like music.

  ACan you play any kind of musical instrument

  BI can play pianobut I‘m not very good at it.

  BHow about you

  AI know nothing about any musical instrument. But I have a collection of many different CDs and records.


  AMr.××what‘s your favorite sport

  BMy favorite spot is tennis.

  AWhat is the most popular sport in China

  BPing-Pong is the most popular one in China.

  AIn our countrywe prefer soccer to ping-pong.

  BIf it is the convenient for youhow about we go to watch the professional ping-pong game together tomorrow

  AI would be glad to.



  1.Asking for opinions

  What‘s your opinion of…

  What do you think of…

  How do you feel about…

  I was wondering what your opinion of…was

  I was wondering where you stood on the question of…

  What about…

  2. giving opinions

  I‘d like to point out…

  As far as I‘m concerned

  In my opinion

  From my point of viewI think…

  PersonallyI think…

  It would seem to me that…

  As far as I‘m able to judge…

  FranklyI think……

  I reckon……

  If you ask me…

  You know what I thinkI think that……

  I‘d say that…

  The point is…

  Wouldn‘t you say that…

  Don‘t you agree that…

  As I see it…

  I‘d just like to say that I think that…

  3. agreeing

  I agree entirely.

  I totally agree.

  I couldn‘t agree more.

  I agree with you on that.

  That‘s just what I was thinking.

  You knowthat‘s exactly what I think.

  That‘s a good point.

  I take you point.

  I‘m with you on that.

  I‘d go along with you on that /there.

  4. disagreeing

  do you really think so

  I wouldn‘t agree.

  I disagree.

  I see what you meanbut……

  Yesthat‘s quite truebut…

  I‘m not really sure if I would agree with you on that.

  I‘m not sure I quite agree.

  Wellyou have a point therebut…

  Perhapsbut don‘t you think that…

  5. asking for explanationsoptional

  I‘m sorryI don’t quite understand what you man by…

  I didn‘t quite follow what you were saying about…

  I‘m afraid I’m not really very clear about what you mean by…

  I don‘t quite see what you’re getting at…

  What do you mean by…

  6. giving explanationsoptional

  Wellthe point I‘m trying to make is that…

  Let me put it another way…

  Sorrylet me explain

  What I mean is that…

  What I‘m saying is that…



  1. apologizing-admitting mistakes

  I‘m terribly sorrybut I seem to have…

  I‘m very sorry for…

  I‘m sorry that…

  I must apologize for…

  I‘m not quite sure how to put thisbut……

  I‘m afraid I’ve got something to tell you…

  2. making excuses

  I had no intention of…really.

  It really wasn‘t my faultyou see…

  I didn‘t mean toreally

  3. forgiving-accepting apologies

  Ohthat‘s alright. Don’t worry.

  Ohnever mindit doesn‘t really matter.

  Please don‘t blame yourself.

  That‘s OK. Forget it.

  4. apologizing for changing future plans

  I‘m terribly sorry about this but I don’t think I‘ll be able to…

  I hope this doesn‘t put you out too muchbut I’m afraid I won‘t be able to…

  You know I said I‘d…well I’m afraid…I can‘t now.


  1. AHellothis is××of the Oriental Trading Company. I‘d like to speak to the office manager.

  BHold the lineplease. I‘ll see if Miss Green is in…Go aheadMiss Green can take your call.

  AHelloMiss Greenthis is××of the Oriental Trading Company. I‘m afraid I have to make a serious complaint.

  BHelloMr.××What seems to be the trouble

  AI‘ve been flying Air China for nearly six yearsMiss Greenand I must say that I have always been very satisfied with the servicebut last Saturday something happened which was inexcusable.

  BCan you give me the detailsMr.××

  Ayes. I was scheduled on Flight 543 from Beijing to Sidney………

  BI see. I‘m very sorry to hear thatMr.××i can assure you that such things don’t happen very often.

  AI hope not. What do you intend to do about thisMiss Green

  BI‘ll look into the matter for youand talk to the person responsible for this mistake.

  AAll rightthen.

  BThanks for callingMr.××If you have any further questions about××don‘t hesitate to contact me direct.

  AI‘ll do thatthank you. Good-bye.


  2. AYessirCan I help you

  BWell…I bought this camera a month go and there seems to be something wrong with it.

  AwellsirI‘m afraid there isn’t much we can do about it actually…

  BHow come you say thatThe guarantee covers for a year.

  ADid you bring the receipt with yousir

  Byeshere you are.

  AIn that caseI suggest you leave it with us and we‘ll see what we can do.


  1. making a complaint

  I‘m sorry to have to say thisbut…

  2. accepting a complaint

  OhI am sorry about that.

  I can‘t tell you how sorry I am.

  I‘m so sorryI didn’t realize.

  I just don‘t know what to say.

  3. delaying a complaint

  I suggest you leave it with us and we‘ll see what can be done / what we can do.

  I‘m afraid the manager isn’t in at the moment. Could you call back later

  4. rejecting a complaint

  WellI‘m afraid there’s nothing we can do about it actually.

  WellI‘m afraid there isn’t much we can do about it actually. 




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