Customer Name: Date of issue reported:
Model Affected: Planned date for CAR reply:
D1) Team Formation (Team member name /position):
D2) Define the Problem:
D3) Contain the Problem:
% Effective containment
Completion Date:
D4) Identify the Root Cause:
D5) Define and Verify Corrective Actions:
% Effective to resolve problem
D6) Implement Corrective Action:
Completion Date
D7) Prevent Recurrence (e.g. review and update spec., work flow, procedure, practice, etc.):
Completion Date
D8) Congratulate the Team, Case Closure:
Action verification status (Effective, Satisfactory, Inadequate, Poor, None implemented):
Date of verification
Other CAR number. Ref (as necessary): Verified By
(Name /Position)
Improvement Action Verification Results:
Overall Issue Closure Status (i.e. “Closed” / “Need further improvement” + specify follow-up actions required)