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MCDNALD:Minimum Standards

发表日期:2018年6月8日  本页面已被访问 2068 次


Code Provisions                Zero Tolerance


Wages and Benefits          

·Falsified pay records.

·Non-payment of wages.

·Not paying minimum wage*


*A single opportunity will be given to remediate immediately, including back payment, to avoid  inactivation.  Repeat violations will not be given this opportunity.


Working Hours / Time Off            

·Falsified time  records.


·Termination or discipline of workers not willing to work overtime hours.


·No time records.



Prison Labor / Forced Labor      

·Any type of prison, bonded, indentured or forced labor Disciplinary Practices       

·Physical punishment or abuse.

·Evidence of Sexual Abuse.


 Child Labor / Young Workers    

·Use of workers below the legal age of employment or not in compliance with                         McDonald's Code of Conduct for Suppliers.

·No records of age of employees.


Implementation and                     

·No records or documentation maintained at the factory  Inspections site.  

Documentation should, at a minimum, demonstrate the following: Personnel, payroll, employee contracts, working hours, production records, proof of age.

·Duplicate or fraudulent records.

·Denial of access to the factory.

·Any denial of access to factory requested documentation and records.

·Any denial of access to factory workers for interview  purposes.


Health and Safety                          

·Life  Threatening Conditions: defined as any working  environment that threatens a workers life, limb or  function.

·Structural unsafe building

·No accessible fire fighting equipment


Customs Compliance                   

·Willfully tampering with or altering proper category and country  of origin.



·Trans-shipment of Goods/ Mislabeling of Product

·Continued use of a subcontractor that has been  inactivated by McDonald's.




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中国哈尔管理学院(中国哈尔国际管理顾问有限公司)官方网站 | 设为首页 | 加入收藏 | 联系我们 | 进入管理 |

联系地址:北京市海淀区清华大学液晶大楼   联系电话:18305759080;QQ:375453467   联系人:濮先生