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发表日期:2018年6月8日  本页面已被访问 2220 次

Below are some general good practices sharing on   EHS from the ICTImeeting (International Council  f Toys Industries).all exit ways / stairs must clear of any objects, even though there is enough room for   people pass through.

所有的安全通道/楼梯必须清除障碍物, 即使已经有足够的空间通行。


Carton paper should not put in any working environment with volatile chemical used, such as   prints or gas...it will easily cause self-burnt on the carton paper later on.



In the chemical mixing room, the ventilation   facility should be installed 1 meter close to the floor for better convulsions; this is because the VOC substances is usually heavier  than the air and flowing near the ground. (most   of the factories now are with ventilation fan   installed on the top of the wall in such area )



Auditors should check whether the workers do   their spray painting close to the ventilation system or not to ensure no prints emitted   towards workers’ direction.



Ask the factory for how long they are going to clean up the inside of the ventilation system...



It is not suggested to install the exit sign /   mark directly under the emergency light, this is   because it is very hard to see through the   strong lights if the workers are looking for the   exit sign during emergency situation.



By international standards, the type of 1211 fire extinguisher should not be used in any   industries due to it may cause harm to   ozonosphere in the environment concern. So auditors should remind the factory to use other    types of fire extinguisher, like A / B / ABC…



all chemical substances stored in the workshop   even with small amount must be labeled for   identification. No chemical substances is stored   in the water bottle or food can to avoid incorrect used by workers.



Workers should always check the safety device  before operating the machines in the workshop.

This applies to all industries and machine types.





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