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CHICO""S:Terms of Commitment to Ethical Sourcing

发表日期:2018年6月8日  本页面已被访问 2327 次


   Chico’s and White House | Black Market (the Company”) believe that every person has a right to decent and  humane working conditions. We also believe that protection of our environment must be a priority in our  approach towards business.  Accordingly, we have voluntarily established these Terms of Commitment to Ethical Sourcing.  As a retailer, we do not own the  factories that make the merchandise sold in our stores. 

    However, we believe that we have a responsibility to  work with our suppliers so that what we sell is made under working conditions and in factories that operate consistent with our values and business commitments; regardless of whether the merchandise is made in the United States or in a foreign country.  
    These Terms of Commitment set out the requirements that our suppliers and manufacturers must meet, and compliance with our Terms is a requirement for the selection of new suppliers.  The Company is committed to working with its supplier-partners to achieve the goals  of these Terms. If a supplier is found to be in  violation of our Terms, we require the supplier to take corrective action within an appropriate time.  We prefer to support and encourage continuous improvement towards compliance so that the workers involved and the local community not be adversely impacted.  However, in a case  where a factory or supplier shows itself unwilling or unable to meet our requirements, we will have no choice but to cease doing business with that supplier.  
    We also believe that our customers share our commitment to ethical sourcing and are entitled to know that we have a policy and program to meet their expectations.  
    In addition, since our philosophy or corporate social responsibility is premised upon the idea that we are a partner with our customers and community, we are interested in hearing your views and suggestions on what more The Company might do to continue to meet, and hopefully exceed, your expectations.




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